Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hardwood Floors ~ A Love/Hate Relationship

As some of you may or may not have noticed in the pictures I've posted of our house in the past..we have hardwood flooring.  Now..when we first moved here (and first looked at the house before we bought it)..I was totally ecstatic about the idea of having hardwood flooring everywhere.  The house we lived in before we moved here (before I began blogging) was a rental house.  And there was carpet. 


Even the bathroom. 


We ended up ripping it out a couple years before we moved out because you combine bathroom carpet with a toliet that overflows once and you get the picture.  No offense to anyone reading who may have carpet in the bathroom..its just not for us!! 

But anyways..lately I feel like I've had a love/hate relationship with our floors.  There are things I love about it (no steam cleaning like you have to do with carpets...plus its just plain pretty!)..and things I hate (mopping, sweeping, every piece of dirt showing up, plus you can't lay on the floor and watch tv like you can with soft carpet!). 

Anyone else go through this same problem?

Lately, I've gotten a very strong urge to redo our flooring in our master bath.  It has hardwood floors as well but not the same type as is in the majority of the house.  Its the lightest color of flooring you can buy (I've looked at Home Depot).  It shows dirt HORRIBLY well and I can't stand it.  Even after I've cleaned the floors in there, it still looks dirty.  This is a sample of what shade of flooring is currently in there.

Maple Natural 3/4 in. Thick x 3-1/4 in. Wide x Random Length Solid Hardwood Flooring (20 sq.ft.case)
(natural maple)
This is what I'd like to have.

Brazilian Tigerwood 3/4 in. Thick x 3-1/4 in. Wide x Random Length Solid Hardwood Flooring
(brazilian tigerwood)


Hand Scraped Manchurian Walnut 1/2 in. Thick x 4-7/8 in. Wide x Random Length Engineered Hardwood Flooring
(manchurian walnut)


Henna Hickory 10mm Laminate Flooring SAMPLE Plus 2 Top Selling Styles
(henna hickory)

You get the idea..something DARKER!  Damon tends to lean more towards something like this though...

Bronze Random Slate 10mm Thick x 15-15/32 in. Wide x 46-1/2 in. Length Laminate Flooring (19.98 SF per case)
(bronze random slate)


Tuscan Stone Bronze 10mm Thick x 15-1/2 in. Wide x 46-1/16 in. Length Laminate Flooring (20.02 sq. ft./case)
(tuscan stone bronze)

He likes the look of stone as you can see.  I like it too I must admit!  I don't know what we'll end up going with or when (hopefully sooner than later) because that floor in there now MUST go!  

What kind of flooring do you have in your bathroom and do you like it or wish you could change it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We have tile in our bathroom. We were thinking about doing a slate in our bathroom, but I guess since real stone is so porous you have to use a ton of sealer and re-seal it all the time so it doesn't soak up liquids - and we thought that might not be the best thing for our bathroom, so we found a ceramic tile that looks alot like slate. I like it because it's easy to clean, and it hides dirt! Our old bathroom has white linoleum - yuck.

    P.S. Sorry that deleted comment was me!

  3. Hi Melanie,

    Carpet in the bathroom? Really? Hard to believe. Although what we have is almost worse - peel and stick vinyl tiles - sorta like this. I'm completely ripping up that bathroom and getting new floors though so I've put a lot of thought into this. With hardwood flooring prices, the way they are, I'd have to go with laminate for the wood look. (or was that what you meant). I think I'm going to stick with tile.

    Good luck on your project - can't wait to see how it turns out.


  4. I used to live in a flat that had laminate throughout. At first I loved it, but soon I hated it because every scrap of dirt would show up on it, and because we didn't have a hoover I felt like I was sweeping it every moment of the day! Now I really love my carpets!
    We've just moved into a new house which has white-grey tiles in the bathroom and kitchen. I would recommend something darker or with a slight pattern or grain because grey shows up the dirt really easily so it feels like it's messy even when you've only just mopped it!
    I hope you get something lovely :)


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