Friday, May 23, 2014

"Marked" Progress! "Mark" has improved!!  In case you have no clue what I'm talking about, you can read my post on my mark here.  But basically, I had a mole removed quite a while back and was left with a scar..or as I refer to it as my "mark"!

I had it injected with cortisone about a month ago to help I soften and shrink.  I'm proud to say it's been working!  It is MUCH flatter now than it was.  I have a marked improvement. On my mark.

Ok..enough silliness!  Here is how I'm currently looking.

This is how it looked before...

A nice improvement I think!!  Yipee!  Now time for the holiday weekend and time for me to break out the red, white, and blue for the summer!!


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