Like today for instance, we were outside walking around the yard and I came upon my climbing rose bush. I remember when Damon took my picture by it..literally just days before I had Makayla. I also realized the other day during a phone conversation with my best friend that this time last year, I was in the midst of planning the final bits and pieces of my baby shower. My BABY SHOWER! Gosh..its so hard to believe that was just a year ago..seems like yesterday.
(around the time I had my baby shower..check out that bump!)
So all of that brings me to this thought..when I was pregnant..especially in the last few weeks..I had a routine. I was super tired most of the time so I would sleep about 12 hours..get up and get plop my huge self down on the couch and watch A Baby Story..and cry my eyes out every time a baby was born. At nights before I went to bed..House Hunters and House Hunters International were my 'go-to' shows. I couldn't get enough of them.
Funny thing is..I'm still the same way!
Only now I'm lucky to catch A Baby Story..because its on in the middle of the day and I'm usually doing stuff with Makayla then. When I do manage to catch it on..I have to make sure Makayla doesn't see me cry cause it just upsets her! House Hunters is still my go-to at night.
In fact, thats what we're watching now!
So..when you were pregnant, what were some of your routines? And have you kept any of them?