Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Carseat!!

If any of you caught this post..you know I was on the look for a new car seat for Makayla. Well..after reading COUNTLESS reviews online, asking some moms online their opinions, and making mental notes..we purchased her new seat on saturday!!

Its made by Safety 1st and I really like it and so does she!

Now to hear the funny story that goes along with her new seat.  We bought it at Babies R Us and traded in her old infant carrier for this model and got the 25% off (great thing to do moms..if your in need of a new seat).  Well..of course that meant this one had to be installed before we left the parking lot.  So..it was rainy and windy and COLD.  Makayla was hungry.  So I had her up front with me while Damon 'attempted' to install the seat.  I fed her..played with her..did a bunch of things..all while hearing Damon back there scratching his head and trying to figure how to install the seat.  After about an HOUR (yes..an hour!!!)..I finally said, "Do you want me to try?" and he reluctantly agreed.  After 5 MINUTES (yes..I said minutes!!)..I had it installed and said, "Check to make sure I got the latch belt tight enough..if it is we're ready to go".  He didn't know what to say and was totally beside himself.

Why is it if you want something done right..you have to do it yourself?

He had the latch belt in the wrong holes (he had it going through the forward facing holes instead of the rear facing) AND was trying to use the seatbelt at the same time.  ????

If that wasn't funny enough..he made the funniest comment about the whole situation after we were on the road again.  If any of you know Damon personally or have heard me talk about some things he says in the past..you know he comes up with some really crazy one-liners.  This is what he said..and I quote.....

"I felt like a retarded monkey trying to peel a banana."


1 comment:

  1. The 'simplicity' of childproof lids, childcare items and all things related to child safety can be enough to drive a sane man over the edge! LOL! Glad you got the new seat and are all happy with it. :) Now you just need to teach Damon how to install it so that next time he doesn't have to feel like a silly monkey! ;)


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