Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What's in a name?

This question has been going over and over in my head as of lately.  You know..all of us mom's out there probably did the same thing for our children, before they were born, we poured over names and their meanings.  Wanting to chose just the perfect name for our child.  I know I did!!  I can recall that Makayla's full name means "young" and "who is like God". 

But..this go around I'm trying to find just the right name for our new cat we've 'inherited'.  My best friend asked me on the phone the other night, "How do all these cats always seem to find you guys?!"..and she's right! 

  • Ravey 'found us' when we were basically newlyweds..just showed up at our house one cold November night.
  • Thomas 'adopted us' when we moved into our new place.  He was the neighbors cat but did NOT want to live with them anymore (for whatever reasons..I'll keep my mouth shut here!) he moved in with us.
  • Damon found Jake at the coal mines.  Someone had brought him up there and dumped him off.  Damon felt sorry for him because the other men were kinda kicking him around and paying him no attention.  He needed love..and that he received. :-)
  • And now 'nameless' cat has shown up at our door..right around Christmas too, mind you.  We're guessing he was dropped off in our area because we'd never seen the likes of him around here.

Believe you me, we would have noticed a cat like this.

(doesn't he have the sweetest face?!!)

Now let me tell you, Ravey is a big cat.  The last time I had her at the vet's office..she weighed in around 16-18 pounds (I can't remember exactly..but it was somewhere in there).  She's big..she's always been big.  THIS cat makes Ravey look little.

I've taken to calling him "Big Harry"..and I'm sure you can guess why.  "Harry" is all hair.  He's a beauty though..and super sweet.  Makayla is smitten.

But I'm not sold on the name "Harry" was just one of those names that just happened without much thought.  After we got Jake and named him..I had regrets.  Since we had Thomas already, I had wished for a while we'd named him "Jerry"..haha!  Tom and Jerry. 

Since I'm a Twilight fan..I've thought of one of the men on the series (since we have Jake..aka Jacob).  But I can't see myself yelling, "Here Edward!!!" out my front door..calling for this cat. 

It just doesn't fit.

And neither does Carlisle.  Or Emmett.  Jasper maybe. 

I need help.

I'd like something creative..something that just 'goes' with him. 

So if you have any ideas..shoot them my way!  I'd greatly appreciate it!



  1. Aw what a beautiful cat! Why would anyone want to give him up?! Jasper is cute!

  2. Aw! What a gorgeous cat! Jasper is a cute name for a kitty! I've always wanted to name a cat Simon for some reason. And he looks like a Simon!

  3. I like Jasper, too. :) And he's beautiful.

  4. Hey Girl,
    Makayla isn't the only one smitten...I want that! He is soooo cute and I just want to pet him and hold him. I had one name pop into my head the second I looked at him and that name was "Sampson" he just looked liked like a sampson to me and you could call him sammy for!

    Now I get to meet someone else new the next time I visit..hehe!


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