Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I'm loving...

This post is a little hard for me because its been a stressful week around our house (prayers are appreciated!)..but none the less..I can always find something I'm loving!

I'm loving the nice weather we've had here the past 2 days!  Its been gorgeous outside and the daffodils are in full bloom in my front yard.  If a pretty yellow daffodil can't bring a smile to your face after a long cold winter, what can?

I'm loving all the baby blog posts thats been going on this week!  Its great looking at all the new little additions to 'blogworld' and hearing about each and every one of them. reading about the little ones to come!!  We need to think of a way to cut and paste all the babies pictures (once they've all made their arrivals) and make it into one and title it 'Blogger Baby Boom 2011"!

I'm loving my baby shower isn't too far away!  Its exciting..yet a tad overwhelming..I still have some things to purchase for the shower and plan..but its not too bad cause I still have plenty of time for that.  At least there is nothing major to be done!

I'm loving that Makayla's nursery is FINALLY going to begin the painting process this week!!  I have felt like we were so behind in this area but things are finally starting to take place.  Exciting!

And most of all..I'm loving that my Lord and Saviour has been with me thru this trying week.  There have been days that weren't easy at all..followed by days of bad news..and am still in the 'days of waiting' phase now (if this doesnt make sense...don't worry..I'm sure I'll be sharing once all has passed).  Sometimes even when you try to do the right thing, step up, and be wonder if its going to all backfire in your face.  The Bible was right when it said we would face persecutions for following Him and what is right (and in this case for me..whats right for my family).  At least I have a clear conscious when I lay my head down at night knowing I've done what God leaded me to.  :-)



  1. Keep your head up girly! Praying for you!

  2. I felt like we were way behind on Wyatt's nursery too - don't worry, it'll get done! Painting is so exciting!
    It's wonderful that the Lord is always for us when we do what's right, isn't it? That's all that really matters. Hope things start to look up for you!


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