Now..onto the tip!! I was reading my current issue of Better Homes and Gardens (BHG) last night when I came across this amazing tip for moms! If I was a mom, I would definately check this one out because it sounds like a fantastic idea! Anyways..there is a website called that makes it easy for parents to trade gently used clothes for new ones from other people! Basically your exchanging your clothes with someone else's! You can search for the size you want, boys or girls clothes, and browse through the choices and pick your favorite box. get a whole BOX of clothes here! To get clothes, you must offer clothes in exchange. Just post your swap on the site, and when someone selects it you put on a free shipping label thats provided and schedule a pick-up. There is no basic membership charge, but a $13 shipping fee for each box you order. Still..$13 for a box of clothes doesn't sound bad to me!! Plus your getting rid of things your kids have outgrown in the process! To me..thats a win-win situation! If anyone has tried this or checks it out..let me know! Might be something good to try if we ever have a "Baby Green" in the future! ;-)
Schmooa Kumpst
10 hours ago