Monday, September 13, 2010

Miscellanies and Giveaway Reminder :-)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Let's kick off another monday with some miscellanies..shall we?

  • We are on a schedule this week that is very unusual for us!  Damon is actually NOT working, but rather having to attend an EMT-M class at the college I graduated from!  His work sent him for the class and I count it as a blessing because its another plus he can add to his resume!
  • Hoping to get a few things done around the house this some much needed mopping and doing a little!
  • Enjoyed a nice church service last night followed by a birthday party for our pastors wife!  Always have alot of fun being with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!
  • Is it just me..or is there an enormous amount of butterflies this year?  Don't get me wrong..I'm lovin' getting to see them flutter around my house..but wow..don't remember seeing so many since I was a little girl!
  • Since hubby is on a different schedule this week..I'm up WAY earlier than usual.  I've already done my house cleaning and its before THAT is a first!  AND the best part?  I get to watch Rachael Ray's talk show now!
  • Just a little reminder for any who may have missed my post over the weekend..but I'm having my very first giveaway!  I've done some work on my blog over the you can click on the link on the right side under "Recent Posts" or to make it easier for yall..just click here.  The more entries (comments) I get for that days post..the more likely I'll have another giveaway soon!!  So go over now..leave me a comment..and your entered!   Easy enough..right?
Here's to wishing you a happy monday!


1 comment:

  1. that's so nice to spend time with fellow brothers in Christ. I love fellowship! Thanks for sharing your randomness!


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